We stand for tradition. And we wink at innovation. We bring forward one of the oldest food cultures in the world: rice. And we strive to take it into a future of enhanced taste experiences as well as social and cultural improvement. We want to celebrate our 160-year history by acting in the present in aid of the future: sustainable practices for a renewed Italian rice culture. On the one hand, we support our farmers and our Italian supply chain through the “Siamo riso, prima di tutto” project (“We Are All Rice Grains”), to promote an eco-efficient agriculture. On the other, we work hard to bring technological innovation into our plant, so as to mitigate our industrial impact on the environment. Each product is thought out and made in respect of our #inAidOfSustainability vision.
Siamo riso, prima di tutto (We are all rice grains)
The project has started at the very roots of our world, from those who make all this possible: our farmers, women and men with whom we share the aim for an innovative and sustainable agriculture, based on the knowledge and respect of good practices, on environmental safeguard and social improvement.
«We safeguard and give value to the Italian rice supply chain in order to guarantee the best product respecting the environment – Quality Dept. Director Alessandro Irico says. Our farmers are the first link of the chain where the care of the one who sows evolves into the joy of the one who eats.»
In the last couple of years we have increased energy consumption by 19%, yet we have reduced CO2 emissions by 39%. «Environmental sustainability arises from the field and evolves inside the factory – Industrial Director Marco Zaninelli says. We use natural resources and production waste to produce steam, needed for rice processing (parboiling and vacuum packing) and the production of vegetal drinks and rapid rice. The same resources that we then use to fuel a biodigestion plant reducing waste and producing biogas and biomethan. The excellence of a company – Zaninelli rounds off – lies in its ability to design innovative products as well as processes, so as to improve industrial efficiency and sustainability».